Ninth Grade TED Talks

Upper School students, faculty, and parents were on hand for the RCS ninth grade TED Talks at the Bedford Playhouse in early December. As part of their Capstone year at RCS, all ninth graders create a Portfolio of work which includes their TED Talk, a 10-page thesis paper, and a culminating project showcasing an area of interest or personal exploration. 
“The most wonderful thing for me in teaching this class is the organic way in which the ninth grade students come to know me in my role as a counselor over their years at Ripp,” TED Talk Facilitator Holly O’Neill-Melville explained. “By the time they are ninth graders, we know one another so well, and there is a genuine framework of trust that is established. I ask the students to lean into being vulnerable as presenters and sit in their discomfort, and this is where the magic happens. The magic for me, is seeing their self-confidence soar on stage as a result.” 
Rippowam Cisqua School
439 Cantitoe Street 
Bedford, NY 10506
phone: (914) 244-1250
Rippowam Cisqua School is a PreK-Grade 9 independent day school in Westchester County, New York. RCS offers challenging academics built on innovation, fine and performing arts, competitive athletics, wellness, leadership, service learning, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.
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