Investigating Tissues

November 15, 2017 – In science teacher Lou Tocco’s lab, students are learning about the four types of tissues in the human body – by dissecting chicken wings.
“Mr. Tocco, I think I found a blood vessel!”
The sixth graders are excited to be discovering tendons at the ends of muscles, and ligaments between the bones. They are observing how strong skin can be. When one student pulls the pink tissue away from the bone of his chicken wing with a dissecting needle, Mr. Tocco explains that he is looking at muscle.
Students are inspired by "seeing, feeling, and touching the things they are learning about,” Lou Tocco says, who sees that hands-on learning is sparking curiousity and enthusiasm in anatomy. Sixth graders bending and examining their chicken wings are gaining a deeper understanding of the joints and musculature in their own arms.  

Mr. Tocco is interrupted by another student’s: “Ooh. Ooh. Ooh!”
Another discovery in sixth grade science – learning about human anatomy in a very experiential way.
Rippowam Cisqua School
439 Cantitoe Street 
Bedford, NY 10506
phone: (914) 244-1250
Rippowam Cisqua School is a PreK-Grade 9 independent day school in Westchester County, New York. RCS offers challenging academics built on innovation, fine and performing arts, competitive athletics, wellness, leadership, service learning, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.
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